Who is ‘Incompass Insurance Services’?

Incompass Insurance Services is a part of the Incompass Financial Services group. As the name indicates, Incompass Insurance will help you to
save money on your insurances (short term, medical etc) while experiencing better service. We are pleased to help you with any matter concerning insurances. Incompass Insurance specialises in insurance in the Guest House industry as well as personal insurance.

Incompass helps to ensure that their clients are correctly insured with regards to vehicles, contents and buildings.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form

or email risk@incompass.co.za.

How should you insure your building in South Africa?

Buildings Insurance in South Africa

The property should always be insured at the current re-building rates. It is important to ensure that you have insured your building for the total
rebuilding costs. If you have under insured yourself this will result in Average being applied to your policy.

The Average Clause reasons that if you
have under insured yourself, you have taken a portion of the risk on for yourself and have “self-insured” it. Thus at claims stage you will only be paid
out a rateable portion of the claim.

The sum insured must also include further expenses that might be incurred, such as the costs for the fire brigade, rubble removal, architect fees,
municipality charges etc. A professional valuator should be used to adequately valuate the property as you do not want to be under insured in the event of
a claim.

Some insurance companies send out an independent valuator to ensure that you are correctly insured. Incompass Insurance Services can help you make the
most of your insurer.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form

or email risk@incompass.co.za.

What is SASRIA?

South African Special Risks Insurance Association

SASRIA cover is a government run insurance for the purpose of insuring people when they have suffered loss after a politically motivated crime, riot or
strike. This cover is automatically included in every insurance policy in South Africa, as it is not covered by the standard insurance cover. Premiums are
relatively inexpensive for quite a large amount of cover offered.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form

or email risk@incompass.co.za.

What happens when I am in a motor vehicle accident in South Africa?

Vehicle accident in South Africa

If you are involved in a vehicle accident in South Afric, keep the following in mind:

* If you are injured you can be taken to the closest hospital for treatment, you would need to have your medical aid details with you.

* Should you not be injured, and a tow truck comes to tow your car away, please ensure that your insurance company does not have their own tow truck operator.

* Call your insurance broker or insurance company to lodge your claim and for further requirements of the claims procedure.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form

or email risk@incompass.co.za.

How could I obtain more competitive insurance premiums in South Africa?

Within insurance each section has their own way of calculating premium, obviously where the most security requirements are in place the more competitive

the premium. The following items influence premium:

Motor vehicles

The type of vehicle

The area in which is kept and normally driven. (Low/High crime area)

The value of the vehicle

The use of the vehicle (business/private – this affects the premium greatly)

Security factors in place (immobiliser, alarm and/or tracker)

The age of the regular driver (the younger the driver the higher the premium)

The No Claim Bonus (NCB’s are intended to reward clients who don’t claim often, the NCB shows how many years the client has been “claim free”)


The area where the house is situated (Low/High crime area)

The type of construction (Brick, wood, thatch roof etc)

Anti-theft protections (burglar bars, electronic gates, response alarms, etc)

Incompass Insurance Services is an independent short term insurance broker who can provide competitive insurance quotations for free.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form

or email risk@incompass.co.za.

Do I need an international driving license to legally drive a vehicle in South Africa?

International drivers licenses in South Africa

It is recommended that you have an international drivers license when driving in South Africa. When it comes to insurance most South African insurers do
not necessarily require an international drivers license, however this depends which country you come from.

Once you become a South African resident
however, you are required to have a South African Drivers license within 3 years of obtaining your permanent residence.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form
or email risk@incompass.co.za.

Who regulates the financial services industry in South Africa?

The financial services industry in South Africa is regulated by the Financial Services Board

The Financial Services Board regulates all the Financial Services Providers in South Africa. This includes banks, insurance companies, investment
companies etc. The Financial Services Board ensures that Financial Services Providers comply with all the regulations and that they are competent enough
to fulfil the duties they have been appointed to do.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form

or email risk@incompass.co.za.

What does buildings or House Owners cover include in South Africa?

Also known as House Owners Insurance. This product is designed to cover the building, which is a private dwelling, its outbuildings (including fixtures
and fittings), walls, gates, swimming pools and tennis courts. Alternatively it can be insured as a commercial dwelling on the appropriate commercial

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form
or email risk@incompass.co.za.

How long does it take before I will be covered for insurance in South Africa?

It is possible in South Africa to incept cover on an insurance policy the very same day that you require it. However you only have 7 days from that date
to complete the application form and ensure that you have submitted all the other documentation required.

The insurance schedule stating all the terms and
conditions, and excesses should be emailed or posted to you within 30 days.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form

or email risk@incompass.co.za.

Is there Public Liability insurance for Guest Houses in South Africa?

What is Public Liability insurance for Guest Houses in South Africa?

Public Liability is available for all types of commercial risks in South Africa, however Guest Houses have a specifically worded Liability section to cover
paying guests. It is imperative that one has this cover in South Africa especially if you are dealing with foreign guests.

This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form
or email risk@incompass.co.za.