Within insurance each section has their own way of calculating premium, obviously where the most security requirements are in place the more competitive
the premium. The following items influence premium:
Motor vehicles
The type of vehicle
The area in which is kept and normally driven. (Low/High crime area)
The value of the vehicle
The use of the vehicle (business/private – this affects the premium greatly)
Security factors in place (immobiliser, alarm and/or tracker)
The age of the regular driver (the younger the driver the higher the premium)
The No Claim Bonus (NCB’s are intended to reward clients who don’t claim often, the NCB shows how many years the client has been “claim free”)
The area where the house is situated (Low/High crime area)
The type of construction (Brick, wood, thatch roof etc)
Anti-theft protections (burglar bars, electronic gates, response alarms, etc)
Incompass Insurance Services is an independent short term insurance broker who can provide competitive insurance quotations for free.
This information has been provided by Cindy Alfino, Insurance Authorised Representative – FSP 23418. For more information please use the contact form
or email risk@incompass.co.za.